Pocket Yarn

4.0 ( 9190 ratings )
開発者 Ross Frazier

Pocket Yarn is a simple tool for browsing your favorite knitting patterns and discovering new ones, all using knitter-network Ravelrys collection of thousands of the best designs and instructions.

Discover new patterns:
- Browse key categories on Ravelry for the top patterns, sorted by popularity or difficulty
- Search for patterns

Simply find the details you need:
- View photos, pattern designers notes, and needle/yarn details
- Download designers pattern documents, save them on your iPhone or iPad, and share them with friends
- Link back to more details on Ravelry.com

Manage your Ravelry favorites from anywhere:
- Securely login to your Ravelry account to sync your mobile device with your favorite knitting patterns
- You can manage your favorites on-the-go, or add them on your home computer and then access details from your device.

Available for your iPhone and iPad.